The developer has not uploaded a game yet...

Invoke and Sacrifce creatures to survive against waves of SPIDERS that shoot BEAMS. How many time will you hold ?

#1 Plant grass and let it grow

#2 Add chicken eat the grass 

#3 Then let the wolf do the rest (I lied, I didn't had the time to code them kekw)

Then let your minions defend the Altar for you but be careful of the spiders...

Made for the mini jam 110 , Theme Sacrifice ! It was too ambitious for me in 3 days, so currently the game have a lot of bugs. 

If you have any suggestions or if you find bugs, please consider leaving a comment. I'll try my best to improve and fix the game if you like it !

Roadmap :

  •  FIX BUGS 
  • Add wolfs
  •  Add other enemies
  • Improve "Tutorial" (and possibility to skip)


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really love the look of this game some good work as always. got 1562 (wasted 100pts on a dog that did nothing.... and then got destroyed)


Thank you my friend ! Glad you liked it :)) Like always, I've sent too much time on the visuals aha, next jam I'll be more straight forward
Yeah the dog is not yet implemented, I'm working on a patch

My max 1500